?Hospitality and Travel Marketing, 4/e

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商品訊息描述: ?

Global orientation, and whole-industry coverage of hospitality and tourism set this book apart. This systematic approach to hospitality and travel marketing is written in a user-friendly style. Readers will benefit from the practical nature, and excellent use of relevant and up-to-date cases. Global experience in the industry is emphasized through content on destination marketing and others parts of tourism, along with case examples from around the worl博客來網路書店d. The content draws upon the authors’ experience in the hospitality and travel marketing industry, as well as teaching experience from around the globe including the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Hospitality and Travel Marketing reflects all of the latest trends in the field, including Internet marketing and e-commerce, loyalty marketing, brand extension marketing, and destination branding.



?Hospitality and Travel Marketing, 4/e

商品網址: http://www.nicebooks.com.tw

博客來網路書店 柏克萊網路書局


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